Understanding Rate Limiting
Rate limiting is a technique we use to ensure a fair experience for all users of our API. It prevents any user from overloading the system with too many requests in a short time.
How Rate Limiting Works at Rasayel
We use a method called the Leaky Bucket approach. Imagine you're filling a bucket with water. If you add water too fast, it will overflow. But if you add water at a steady pace, it won't. The same principle applies to sending requests to our API.
Complexity Rate Limiting
We measure the "weight" of your requests using a complexity counter, similar to the system used by Shopify . Each app can send requests with a total complexity of 1000 per minute. If you exceed this limit, you'll be temporarily blocked.
Queries and Mutations
Queries and mutations are types of requests. Most queries have a complexity of 0 or 1. Mutations usually have a complexity of 10 or 20. So, if a mutation has a complexity of 10, you can send 100 of these per minute before you hit the limit.
Tracking Your Usage
Each request response includes an extensions
block that shows your current usage status.
: How much of your complexity limit you have left.restoreRate
: How much of your complexity limit is restored each minute.maximumAvailable
: The maximum complexity you can use in a minute.
What Happens When You Hit the Limit
If you exceed the rate limit, you'll receive an error message and information about when you can send requests again.
: How long you need to wait (in seconds) before you can send requests again.
How To Handle Rate Limits
Here are some strategies to avoid hitting the rate limit:
- Use an exponential backoff system.
- Queue your requests and send them based on complexity limits.
- Spread out your requests over time.